Potcake Place 1st recipient of Turks & Caicos Reservations Gives Back Program
Post date: Jan 20, 2014 2:9:27 AM
Before I write the rest of this post, let me start by saying that each January, people all over the world make a list of resolutions to help them live a better life throughout the year. It could be personal … to lose weight, make more money, travel more, or maybe just spend more quality time with the family or business oriented, like improving processes, buying new equipment, or changing office locations. It’s just a great opportunity to start the year with a clean slate.
Well, one of our New Years resolutions for Turks & Caicos Reservations is to launch a charity program in 2014. TCR will be donating a generous portion of each booking made each month to a specific island-based charity. The charity will change each month.
As each of the team members of Turks & Caicos Reservations are proud owners of potcakes themselves, the program begins with the charity Potcake Place.
In January, Turks & Caicos Reservations will donate a portion of every booking they make that month to help the adorable and needy potcakes that desperately need a home and good care. The goal of Potcake Place is to reduce the number of homeless potcakes on Provo, and the only way to do that, they say, is to educate. Although hundreds of potcakes continue to roam the island, still hundreds more have been rescued and adopted by people not only locally, but throughout North America. A map hangs on a wall at the nonprofit with pins marking all the cities where potcakes now live with families of their own – from Dallas to Boston, Los Angeles to Toronto. Each year, about 600 potcakes are adopted from the dog-rescue charity.
Turks & Caicos Reservations is very excited to give back to the community, and we are very excited to start with the wonderful and necessary charity Potcake Place!