Find us
Potcake Place K9 Rescue is located at 40 Saltmills Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands.
Adoption Center Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday : 10am - 4pm
Saturday : 10am - 4pm
*** Closed for Puppy Lunch Feeding & Nap Time: 1pm - 2pm daily ***
Puppy Beach Socialization Walks:
Daily walks with a puppy are available from 10am - 12:30, except Sunday
First come, first serve - the queue sometimes starts to build from 9am!
More information about our Puppy Walks
Contact us
Phone: +1 (649) 231 1010
Email: mail@potcakeplace.com
Interested in Fostering: foster@potcakeplace.com
Fill out and submit the Courier form
Potcake Place K9 Rescue is located at 40 Saltmills Plaza, Grace Bay, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos Islands
Potcake Place K9 Rescue open 6 days a week from 10am
Learn more
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