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Adopting a rescue puppy

Once puppies have been fostered and we are confident that they are healthy, they are put up for adoption. 

You can adopt a Potcake and join the growing number of people in the U.S. and Canada giving these fantastic loyal pets a much needed loving home. You can save a life and make a difference in the future of one dog, of your own family, and of the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Thinking of adopting? There are many things to consider before adopting a puppy, especially a rescue puppy. Plus there's, even more, to consider when adopting a rescue puppy from the Caribbean! 

You'll find some helpful information in our frequently asked questions, followed by our invaluable '10 things to consider before adopting a rescue puppy' and 'What a puppy is not' points to ponder.

We sometimes post updates about our puppies on our pups for adoption page however we normally do not post photos of adoptable puppies, as we cannot reserve a particular puppy until an application has been approved and we know when the puppy is going to travel, either with the new owner or with a courier to their nearest airport. 

Each and every potcake pup that we get through our doors is special to us, and each one that we can place into a wonderful forever home is one less dying needlessly of neglect, abuse, disease or starvation or being euthanized. 

Potcake Place puppy

Each and every potcake pup that we get through our doors is special to us


For those people you are adopting a puppy from us, we have created a letter for you to ask that the CDC institute a temporary suspension to the six (6) months rule for dogs from DMRVV low-Risk and DMRVV-free Countries such as The Turks and Caicos Islands. You can download, copy and send the letter to everyone and anyone you think it needs to be sent to. i.e.: your Congress people, Senators, Lawyers, anyone associated with the CDC or the importation of animals and animal welfare.  



"Are you prepared to make a commitment to A DOG for its entire lifetime? "

Potcake dog at rescue center

Adoption  Process and Application Form

At any one time, in foster homes around the island, we can have approximately 40 puppies waiting for loving new homes.

We always have pups available for adoption however we cannot reserve a specific pup until an application has been approved and a courier found to escort one back to your nearest airport(s).  Once we have found a courier we will email photos of pups available to travel at that time.

We carry out background checks and discuss living arrangements with all potential new parents so be ready for a few questions of our own!

*UPDATE* The rules for dogs traveling into The United States has recently changed. As of August 1st 2024 The CDC has implemented a rule stating that no dogs under 6 months of age may enter The USA regardless of where they are coming from. Our pups are too big to travel on a commercial airline at that age which means they will need to be couriered or adopted by someone heading into The USA on a private jet or private charter flight.

We are actively working on getting this rule overturned.

If you are interested in adopting any of our dogs, or wish to be on our waiting list for the dog that is right for you, please fill out the adoption application form and we will be in touch.  Individual dogs will not be discussed until we have received and reviewed your application. 

Please only contact us in relation to adoption if you are over 25. You must be the home-owner, or the home-owner must consent.



7 steps to adopting a Potcake

Frequently Asked Questions

Adopting a rescue dog is a big step in your life.  By asking yourself, and Potcake Place, many important questions you can be prepared and hopefully find a dog that is a perfect match for you and your family.

How do I adopt?

We are glad you asked…..Adoption is easy. You have to be 25 or over to adopt, and all household members must be aware. This is a 10-15 year commitment so can’t be taken lightly.  If you would like to adopt a potcake puppy, please complete the adoption application form and we will be in contact. 

How much does it cost?

There is no charge for the pups however we do ask for and appreciate a donation that will go some way to cover the given vaccines and wormers and to allow us to bring more pups into care.  You will have to cover the cost of the airline pet fee, provided the dog is traveling commercial, which will be between $100 to $200 USD as well as the cost of the airline approved carrier that the dog travels in ($80 if going commercial, if going private the cost varies depending on the size of the carrier) $50 for the microchip, $150 for a neuter or $200 for a spay. Payment can be made online by credit card or PayPal once the adoption has been confirmed.     

How do we get them home?

Once the adoption process is complete you will pick up your pup from Potcake Place at a pre-arranged time. You will be given everything you and the puppy/dog needs for the journey; medical and travel documentation, pee pads, etc. The puppy/dog will be in an approved airline animal carrier, appropriate for size and weight. The carrier, similar to normal carry-on luggage, will go on the floor by your feet in the aeroplane. We will go over all the paperwork and procedure so there is no added stress to your departure and also provide you with helpful information for clearing customs when you arrive at your destination. 

If you are not traveling to the island of Providenciales, we need to find a volunteer to an airport you could get to.  Timing depends on available pups and couriers.  We sell you the in-cabin pet bag that the pup travels in.

*Due to The CDC changing the rules of bringing a dog into The USA. As of August 1st 2024 Dogs are no longer allowed to enter The USA until they are over 6 months of age. Our pups by that age are usually too large to fly commercial. They will need to fly into The USA by Private Jet. We obviously cannot schedule where our private jet couriers fly into, so the adopter will need to be prepared to meet the private jet where it lands.

Whether a larger dog on a private jet or a smaller dog going commercial, we sell you the carrier that the pup travels in. Timing will depend on available pups and couriers.*

What about health clearance?

All potcakes come with all their medical information, a record card of all of their shots and information, and a Vet’s health certificate. They will have had vaccines and wormers appropriate for their age but will need the monthly schedule to be completed if not already done so. For pups traveling into The United States, they will also need a CDC import form receipt. This import form receipt is used for travel and is shown to Customs in the arrival airport. 

Just as in the US and Canada, we have risks of parvo, distemper, heartworm and Ehrlichia here in TCI.  The pup is taken in for a health certificate prior to travel and given a full checkup.  We also advise and suggest a Vet check within the first week of arrival home. We ask that the pup be put on monthly heartworm preventative, and flea and tick prevention (Ehrlichia is carried by ticks, but there is also Lyme disease in the US and Canada), for ongoing health care, as well as to be spayed/neutered when your Vet recommends if not already done so (not until 5/6 months old here).

Where can I see what puppies are ready for adoption?

The number of puppies and dogs available for adoption varies. Potcakes are rescued from around the island of Providenciales and of The Turks and Caicos Islands. They are examined by a Vet and given all vaccinations appropriate for their age. They are looked after by foster parents on the island until a permanent home can be found and they are given all the medical care they need along with a lot of love.  

When they are ready for adoption we arrange for the foster parents to bring the pups into Potcake Place for viewings and socialization trips to the beach with prospective families.

We often post updates about our puppies on our Potcake Place Facebook Page but we do not post photos of adoptable puppies as we cannot reserve a particular puppy until an application has been approved and we know when the puppy is going to travel, either with the new owner or with a courier to their nearest airport.

Can I change the puppy's name?

Please note that all puppy names are given for reference only, and you will be welcome to rename your pup, and they will only just be at the age for learning their name. Of course, you are welcome to keep the ‘screen’ name if you prefer. 

How do I continue with the adoption process?

Hopefully, that has answered some, or all, of your questions.  More questions? Then feel free to contact us to discuss further.  

If you would like to adopt a potcake puppy, please complete the adoption application form. Please note that you must be over 25 to contact us regarding adoption. You must be the home-owner, or the home-owner must consent.

10 things to consider before adopting a rescue puppy

Puppies are cute, adorable and cuddly. We know! We spend every day with them. 

However, when it comes to adoption the head has to rule the heart. You and your family will have to ask yourselves some serious questions. Are you prepared to make a commitment to that pet for its entire lifetime, say 10 - 15 years? They don't remain cute, adorable puppies forever. 

The puppy’s first year is extremely demanding on a family, yet very rewarding and special. Puppies require time, understanding, and supervision just as with human infants and young children. A puppy doesn't mature into an adult dog for at least two years. You are going to need a lot of patience and a good mop! 

Each and every potcake pup that we get through our doors is special to us and we want their furever home to be perfect and forever. Here’s a quick list of things to consider before adopting a puppy, especially a rescue puppy. Plus there's, even more, to consider when adopting a rescue puppy from the Caribbean!  If you still have concerns you can contact us to discuss.

thinking about adopting a potcake

#1  Adopt a pup for the right reasons

Please consider whether this adoption idea is on the spur of the moment decision? Did you see a cute furry face on our website? Is it because your children are hounding you for one? Or is it because you have decided that you want the companionship that an animal can provide during its lifetime? 

A puppy should not be obtained to instil a sense of responsibility in children. It is unfair to place an animal's entire well being in the hands of children. Responsibility training of children is better left for household tasks, where a helpless animal's needs are not at stake. 

Animal shelters are overrun with dogs who were acquired for the wrong reasons or without sufficient investigation and personal commitment. As we said before, the head must rule the heart!

#2   Consult your entire household

Everyone that has to live with the pup must be in agreement before adopting. We will not adopt pups as 'surprises'. If you are adopting the pup for your children, are you willing to care for the pup once the kids lose interest? 

Feeding, grooming, housebreaking, and discipline training of an animal should be the principal responsibilities of adults. Be sure that you understand the near-term and lifelong commitment involved, before succumbing to the charms of a cute little puppy.

#3   Consider your lifestyle

Do you travel a lot or work most of the day? Do you have young children or other pets that may not interact well with a new pet? Is an energetic puppy that needs to be house trained, prone to chewing everything, and in need of obedience training right for you? Working hours, busy social life and taking regular trips are all factors that need careful consideration before getting a dog.

#4    Evaluate living accommodations

Many rental places do not allow pets or restrict what type of pet you can have. You should always talk to your landlord or strata organisation about the terms of your rental agreement and whether there is a no pets clause. 

Consider the size of the dog if you don't own the place where you are currently living. Is there any breed or weight restrictions in your rental agreement? Remember when you adopt a puppy we can only guess at its final size. 

Do you anticipate a move in the near future? Does your current home have a secure yard or an area to exercise your dog? Can they get to roads or other peoples’ property?

#5   Not everyone can live with a dog

Is anyone in your household allergic to dogs? Yes, potcakes do shed. 

Or is anyone in the house fearful of dogs? The cute 12lb puppy that you adopt will soon become a large 45lb dog. Potcakes can range between 40lb and 75lb. In general, Potcakes are smart, intelligent and trainable dogs, but they do all vary in energy levels. 

It's important that you consider what your activity level is right now in your life. Do you have the energy levels to train a puppy? Would an older rescue dog be a better match?

#6   Time management

One of the most important things to consider before adopting a rescue puppy is whether you have time to train, socialize, and offer companionship to the pup? Do you have the time to feed, clean up after, groom, exercise and play with the pup?

Having neither the physical nor the mental abilities of an adult dog, a puppy cannot wait long periods of time before relieving himself, nor differentiate between what is a toy, and what isn't, nor distinguish between digestible and dangerous objects. They require patience, understanding, and supervision just as with human infants and young children. If you work long hours and don't have time for training and play, get an older rescue dog. 

Puppies can not be left alone all day, and so if you work away from home, what plans will you make for the pup during the day - dog walker, doggie daycare? If you are busy running around with kids to soccer practice, piano lessons etc. do you have the time and energy to properly house train and socialize a pup?

#7    Budget expenses for your pup

The adoption fee for a pet is a mere pittance compared to the cost of veterinary care for routine and emergency treatment over a dog's life, as well as licensing fees and damages to property which are bound to occur. 

Upfront costs for dogs include vaccination, microchipping and desexing. Do you have the money to pay for visits to the Veterinarian and the proper vaccinations and spay/neuter surgery? 

Ongoing costs associated with dogs include food, worming, annual health checks, vet bills, training, boarding, toys and bedding for the life of the animal. Do you have the money to pay for food, toys, bowls, collars, cages, obedience lessons and other such expenses? Be mindful that larger dogs will cost more once you calculate how much they eat and that heartworm and flea/tick medication are more expensive for large breeds. 

Unexpected costs do occur. What if something happens to your pup and major surgery is required. Do you have the money for that?

potcake with vet

#8    Pets need room to roam

Basically, all dogs need exercise. Regular games of fetch, training sessions and playdates with other dogs in the yard are all great ways to keep your pup in great health. Do you have the appropriate space for the pup/adult dog? 

Are you looking to adopt a large, energetic dog (once grown) to live in your apartment? Depending on their personality not all potcakes need a lot of space to explore and play. They will happily sit by your feet all day long and then spring into action when the time comes. What is important is that the dogs don’t get bored. Bored dogs often get into trouble. If you adopt a puppy, you don't always know what their energy levels will be like when fully grown so you’ll need to be prepared with a suitable lifestyle.

#9    Troubleshooting 101

Are you prepared to deal with problems that may arise from pet ownership? Chewed or scratched furniture, flea infestations, jumping fences, digging holes in the flower patch, accidents on the good carpet, behavior problems, etc.  

Adopting a rescue puppy brings a few new things to consider. Your new pup might have already been fostered and picked up some ‘challenging’ habits if they are older. Potty training, mouthing, chewing, jumping and pulling on the leash are common behavior issues in older rescue puppies. These are all correctable. 

It's worth noting that potcakes are a ‘mixed breed’ with many different breeds in their family trees, therefore breed-specific traits are difficult to define. You won’t know what kind of behaviors to expect or how big your puppy will grow up to be. Caring for a dog takes a considerable amount of time and patience. Exercise, socialisation, feeding, training, playing, grooming and providing attention are all critical to dog ownership. Puppies are a particularly large time investment.

#10     Prepare for a lifetime commitment

Are you prepared to make a commitment to that pet for its entire lifetime? They don't remain cute, adorable puppies forever. Are you prepared to make the commitment to be a responsible pet owner for the next 10 to 15 years? Do you have a plan in place for your dog if something were to happen to you? 

A puppy is not a puppy forever, but they need your love and care forever. Be sure that you understand the near-term and lifelong commitment involved, before succumbing to the charms of a cute little puppy.

What a Puppy is Not

A puppy is not a toy

A puppy is a living being who has a need for love and proper care for the rest of his life. A puppy is especially vulnerable to broken bones and other injuries from careless treatment.

A puppy is not a teaching aid

A puppy should not be obtained to instill a sense of responsibility in children. It is unfair to place an animal's entire well being in the hands of children. Feeding, grooming, housebreaking, and discipline training of an animal should be the principal responsibilities of adults. Responsibility training of children is better left for household tasks, where a helpless animal's needs are not at stake.

A puppy is not cheap

The adoption fee for a pet is a mere pittance compared to the cost of veterinary care for routine and emergency treatment over a dog's life, as well as licensing fees and damages to personal property which are bound to occur.

Potcake Puppy

A puppy is not a gift or a spur-of-the-moment commitment

Animal shelters are overrun with dogs who were acquired for the wrong reasons or without sufficient investigation and personal commitment.

A puppy is not self cleaning

Dogs can neither groom themselves, nor clean up after themselves (accidents, shedding) and impose additional workload in a household.

A puppy is not an adult dog

Having neither the physical nor the mental abilities of an adult dog, a puppy cannot wait long periods of time before relieving himself, nor differentiate between what is a toy, and what isn't, nor distinguish between digestible and dangerous objects. They require patience, understanding, and supervision just as with human infants and young children. A puppy doesn't mature into an adult dog for at least two years. If you work and don't have time for training and play, get an older dog.

A puppy is not a puppy forever

But they need your love and care forever. Be sure that you understand the near-term and lifelong commitment involved, before succumbing to the charms of a cute little puppy.

the next step to adopting a potcake dog

Ready for the next step?

Well, hopefully, that has not turned you off the idea of dog ownership! Don't get us wrong, life with a potcake dog is amazing and the bonds of love run deep. Potcakes are extraordinary dogs that give so much back to their families, but it is essential that you consider all the facts when deciding to adopt a puppy. 

If you have considered the adoption process fully, and everyone in your family unit is on board, and you would like to adopt a potcake puppy, please complete the adoption application form

Please note that you must be over 25 to contact us regarding adoption. You must be the home-owner, or the home-owner must consent.

If you still have questions then check out the frequently asked questions or contact the team at Potcake Place with any questions you might have.