How you can support our work
Your donations are crucial to the work that we do, now more so than ever.
We are a non-profit organization, staffed by volunteers and all your donations go directly to helping these rescued animals.
With The CDC's new ruling stating that dogs under six months of age can no longer travel to The United States we now need to hold onto our pups for much longer. This means that costs are increasing significantly.
There are many ways to help our organisation care for rescued dogs. You could donate funds to help with medicinal treatments, vaccinations, food, spay and neuter and everything a single puppy requires from rescuing to re-homing.
You could also bring supplies to our rescue centre and also have a little shopping spree in the rescue center.
Another vital way to support us is by volunteering your time, walking and bathing puppies and of course spreading the word.
If you wish to make donation in Honor of an event (birthday, graduation, wedding, etc.) or 'in Memory' of a special someone or special pet, please use the button above to be directed to PayPal. Please ensure you include any details relating to the donation in the "Special instructions to the seller" box on the PayPal. If you provide an e-mail address for the recipient, we will write a special e-mail informing the person of your donation made in 'Honor of' or in 'Memory of. You contribute any value you would like using the button above.
Alternatively you can choose from the options below and add as many items as you like to your PayPal donation.
Donation - Puppy's first worming treatment
First worming treatment for a suffering puppy
Price: $10 USD
Donation - Puppy's necessary vaccination
Important vaccination for a puppy at risk
Price: $25 USD
Donation - Puppy rescue starter kit
A de-flea bath, vaccination, worming and antibiotics for a stray puppy
Price: $50 USD
Donation - Food for foster puppy
Food and essential supplies for a puppy whilst in foster care
Price: $75 USD
Donation - Spay and Neuter
Make a contribution to the Potcake Place Spay Neuter fund to help reduce the stray population
Price: Your contribution
Donation - Re-home a puppy
Everything a single puppy requires from rescuing to re-homing. This gives a homeless puppy a whole new life!
Price: $500 USD
An important way you can help our organisation is by bringing some essential items we need to take care of the puppies to Providenciales.
If you have some spare space in your luggage and are interested in bringing some donated goods, here is our current Wish List:
Puppy Pee Pads
Airline approved dog carry bags (for pets up to 22 lbs is ideal)
Fuzzy toys for the pups to play & cuddle with
Metal bowls for food & water
Disposable (Surgical Gloves) Size X-Large, Large, Medium
Waterproof Aprons for bathing pups
Drontal Plus dewormer and heartworm medicines
Nexgard - to help out with the spay & neuter program
Old towels
Laundry pods - these are expensive on island and won't leak in your luggage!
The foster homes, volunteers, contributors and helpers, all do this for no pay, sometimes money out of their own pocket, long hours, sadness, heartbreak and utter joy.
We could not operate without the kind donations of time. You can volunteer your time to help wash puppies, walk puppies or help out at the rescue centre.
Learn more about our Puppy Socialisation walks
Become a Volunteer at Potcake Place
Contact us for more information
The Adoption Center is where you'll find dogs and dog lovers, as well as all things doggy for sale, including leads, collars, treats, toys, bandanas, bows, collar covers, gifts, gimmicks and gadgets.
We have a full range of T-shirts, hats, and accessories! All the funds we raise go directly to helping these rescued animals.
New for 2023, The Boutique at Potcake Place has a great collection of clothing and hats. All proceeds go towards helping animals in our care. Thank you for visiting our shop!
Potcake Place T-shirts are also available online via our Bonfire campaign. Your purchase will help us reduce the number of homeless dogs in the Turks & Caicos Islands
Spread the love
Support vulnerable dogs in your local community by spreading the word of our work. Talk to them about the importance of spay and neutering and overall dog care.
Help support about fundraising efforts by telling your friends, family, colleagues and other contacts about us!
You can help by following us and retweeting our posts on Twitter or liking or sharing our posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram